
Biden wasn't actually the winner. Additionally

  According to the new Texas GOP platform, Biden wasn't actually the winner. Additionally, it urges secession. Source Politics News : According to the Republican Party of Texas's recently adopted party platform, this is the world as it currently stands: President Biden is the "acting" president because he was not legally elected; Texans should vote on seceding; the Voting Rights Act of 1965 should be repealed; and any form of gun control is a violation of civil rights. According to The Texas Newsroom, state GOP chairman Matt Rinaldi said, "We can't negotiate with Democrats who have a separate and incompatible vision for our future." We must be a fearless and unabashed conservative party, prepared to attack and succeed in the fight for our nation. A 40-page document that addresses state-specific issues as well as far bigger priorities, such as urging the United States to exit the UN, lays out the Republican Party's platform for 2022. At the party conv...